
Rethink Your Time Off Over the Holidays

You know the holidays are near when you see every female at Target holding a Starbucks PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) in hand while bopping around the Winter Wonderland on display. But let me back up and tell you, it’s barely November and we’ve totally gipped Halloween and Thanksgiving on their special days and  decorations. I found a few trick or treat items shoved in a corner in the dollar section but I digress.

There are a good amount of travelers that prefer to take November/December off for well-deserved time with family and friends.   Call me crazy, BUT traveling during the holidays may be in your best interest.  Let me explain in five points:

  1. With many travelers taking a break in their assignments, this means fewer candidates being considered for any given position. This can lead to a much quicker interview, and ultimately an offer.
  2. You often hear to “be flexible” with locations and to remain “as open as possible”. Good news for you, because while some travelers are taking a quick break this provides you a much larger list of locations to pick from.
  3. You’ll stay busy and learn a ton! This might not be new knowledge. You gain great experience with every travel assignment but winter months are typically the busiest time of year. Because it’s so busy, your chances of learning new techniques and skills and adapting to new circumstances are greater.  Talk about awesome knowledge to bring back home with you.
  4. Some people have never felt snow or have seen a white winter. Experience what it’s like to wake up, look at beautiful trees , landscape painted white and, twinkling lights at night.  If a white holiday isn’t what you want, look at experiencing the season by the sea!
  5. Last and final point. January can be a headache when it comes to finding assignments.  Everyone is itching to get back to work from their time off which makes interviewing and applying for travel positions beyond competitive.  Lucky for you, you’re already on assignment and don’t have to worry about the chaos of competing against all other travelers.  Now you can sit back, relax, and start a gym membership like all other humans do at the beginning of the year.

Andrea McClure is the Social Media Recruitment Manager for Aureus Medical Group.

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