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Working the night shift as a travel nurse? Stay healthy with these tips!

Whether you're just starting to work the night shift as a travel nurse or have been doing so for some time, there are a few things you may be able to do to ensure your overall well-being. Although it's important to eat the right foods for promoting energy, you may want to take some additional steps to improving your health.

Sleeping well
The night shift will no doubt cause a disturbance to your normal sleep schedule at first. However, that doesn't have to mean that you don't get enough rest. Catching a decent amount of ZZZs on a daily basis is key to healthy living, plus it will help you do your job well and maintain a positive, upbeat attitude. So, how can you ensure that you are getting enough uninterrupted sleep?

Keeping your bedroom as dark as possible will help you easily fall and stay asleep, even when the sun is shining outside. When your body is exposed to sunlight, it wakes up the brain and can prevent you from getting a good rest. However, new curtains won't do the trick alone. Things like wearing sunglasses on your way home from work will help your body to begin to relax into a state that makes it easy to fall asleep.

Another issue with sleeping well during the day is noise. Depending on where your travel nursing assignment has taken you, there's a chance that your neighborhood may be rather loud due to traffic or other factors. Ear plugs are a great solution, but if you need some added assistance, a white noise machine could do the trick.

Eating right
If you aren't sleeping well, it can make it difficult to eat right. Oftentimes, a lack of rest leads to a disrupted appetite. Be sure to maintain an appropriate eating schedule that is full of nutritious foods. Your best bet is to have a substantial dinner before you head in to work. Throughout your shift, snack on smart food choices every two to three hours. This will help keep your energized and focused, and can reduce the need for things like energy drinks – which should be avoided.

What foods should you opt for? High protein and fiber options are the best for keeping up with your travel nurse responsibilities. Quinoa, veggies, beans, yogurt and whole-grain foods are all good choices. When it comes to snacking, go for nuts. And when your sweet tooth is aching, a peanut butter and banana sandwich should do the trick.

Your diet is not just about food, what you drink plays a role in your health as well. Stay hydrated with water, even though you might be tempted to go to caffeinated options. However, coffee and tea will suit you best when you need a little assistance – just beware of how much sweetener you're adding.

Physical activity
No matter what your job, it can be difficult to get up and out of bed sometimes. That's why exercise can be a wonderful addition to your daily routine. Working out, even if just for 10 minutes when you first wake up, can do wonders in starting your day off on the right foot. Yoga and other practices that focus on meditation will also help to reduce stress levels and tension.

Regardless of the hours you work, health comes down to making the right choices. This includes watching what you eat and sticking to a regular workout routine. As you adjust to a new schedule on travel nursing jobs, these things can get a little out of whack. Even so, it's vital that you make it a conscious point to get things back on track as soon as possible.