Aureus Medical Group’s healthcare blog provides articles and information regarding careers in travel nursing, travel therapy, allied health and more.

Overcome Doubt – Choose Adventure

You’ve joined the Facebook groups. You’ve talked with a few different recruiters. And you’ve even submitted your application to a few different agencies. You’re doing everything you can to cross your t’s and dot your i’s and you find yourself thinking, “This is happening. I’m making the jump into the travel world.” And then doubt starts to set in.

No matter how excited you might be, there is a shred of fear that sets in. You start to doubt the whole process. How am I going to travel 7+ hours away from home? Why am I going to leave my comfort zone? Who am I going to spend time with when I’m on assignment? These are all very real questions, and you shouldn’t feel bad about having these thoughts. Rather than letting those thoughts ruminate, I do want to suggest a couple different ways to help with these fears.

One tangible solution I would like to propose is to keep a routine! Even though you are embarking on this crazy adventure and it might be a little bit scary, having a familiar aspect of consistency might help you to remain steady even amongst the chaos around you.

Along with keeping a routine, it is important to know that you are NOT alone. These doubts are something many travelers have. Taking the leap into the travel world can be intimidating, and sometimes straight up scary. Remember, knowledge is power! If you are having these doubts and fears, take time to talk with your family & friends, talk with a recruiter and get all of your questions answered! If you’re still really thinking about a traveling profession, I want to suggest a more positive way of thinking about those doubts.

Think of the excitement of it all and tap into that energy to propel yourself into the “newness” of each experience. The excitement of getting to live in new places, meet new people and learn more about yourself.

I am not here to say it is going to be all butterflies and rainbows because that isn’t realistic. There will be days where it is difficult. There will be days where those doubts might creep back up in your head. When this happens it is important to acknowledge them, but then to remember all of the amazing things you are getting to see and do. Stop and remember you have crossed all of your T’s and you have dotted all of your I’s. Stop and remember this is your life and you are in control of the great adventure which awaits for you.

Katie Zimmerman is a Social Media Recruiter for the Nursing division of Aureus Medical Group.