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Decorating your temporary home

What makes a house a home? Is it family? Sentimental personal items? Or maybe freshly baked blueberry muffins on the kitchen counter? Whatever those items may be, it is always hard to leave them behind when taking an assignment in an unfamiliar place. Although utilizing companies like AurHomes to find your temporary housing is the smart, easiest, fiscally responsible choice, how can you make those crash pads feel more like home?

Not only do plants bring an aesthetically appealing aspect to your temporary home, but they also have health benefits! When we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Well, plants do the opposite. During photosynthesis plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, making them a great house guest!

An abundance of research has been conducted that has also proven that plants can improve the quality of indoor air. According to Melissa Breyer (2015), author of 5 Health Benefits of House Plants, the top ten plants that are known to improve indoor air quality are: Peace Lilly, Golden Pothos, English Ivy, Chrysanthemum, Gerbera Daisy, Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, Bamboo Palm, Azalea, Red-Edge Dracaena, and Spider Plant.

Washi Tape
Have you heard of this new craze called Washi Tape? Well if you haven’t, it is time you learned. Washi Tape is a new design tape that comes in an array of colors and patterns. It is easily removed from surfaces, leaving behind no damage. Use this tape to create designs or hang pictures on the walls of your temporary home.

Decorative Throws, Rugs, and Pillows
When traveling, some of your temporary housing can fall short in regards to color. Bring along some decorative throws, rugs, and pillows to add splashes of color to your new pad. These colors will breathe life into your housing and make it feel more like home sweet home.

Photos, Photos, and More Photos
What makes your temporary housing feel more like home, other than photos of home? Make sure to pack pictures of family, pets, friends, and any other pictures that remind you of home. Find creative ways to display these photos. Some ideas include a corkboard, hanging them on a string using clothespins, or creating a mural using different sizes of frames!

What are some of the ways that you have decorated your temporary housing? Comment below!

M Breyer. (2015, February 13). 5 Health Benefits of Houseplants. Retrieved from: