Aureus Medical Group’s healthcare blog provides articles and information regarding careers in travel nursing, travel therapy, allied health and more.

Travel Nurse Resource: ScrubsMag

Travel Nurse Resource

When thinking about writing a blog for the Aureus Medical site, I did not know where to begin. I felt like I was back in school, trying to compose a paper for an undergraduate course that had to be two to five pages in length, double spaced, with proper heading and grammar. I was researching online for professional journals and medical articles, but nothing struck a chord with me. I could talk about Ebola? What about some of the latest breakthroughs in Medical Research? Boring. What do nurses want to hear from me?

To give you a brief background of myself, I was an acute care traveling Physical Therapist Assistant with Aureus Medical before I became an Account Manager. I like to think I can relate well to the travel nurses of the world. My skill set might be a little rusty by now, but I recall my experiences quiet vividly. Being a healthcare provider is hard work. Adding on the task of traveling is even more difficult. As a travel nurse you are thrust into a new facility, with a few days of orientation and then out you go. If you are new to the travel world, it can be a scary experience. Hopefully, you have other travelers at the facility that you can lean on for support, or the hospital is very travel friendly and there are staff members that are open and willing to assist you amongst the chaos. Besides your Recruiter/Account Manager, where is a place that you can turn to for advice, suggestions, or support?

I found this great online site called I have been able to view their quarterly magazine on several occasions, but after reviewing their online site and all of the information they provide for travel nurses, I strongly suggest you visit their page. ScrubsMag has vastly expanded its resources for followers, as they are now on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. They also have a related Phone App and Blog, called Code Happy. With all of these outlets in which nurses can access information, it is like carrying around a digital pocketbook! Here are, in my personal opinion, some of the most interesting features of the ScrubsMag:

ScrubsMag Nurseonalities: Current RNs in the field weigh in on hot button questions such as “Can Job Hopping Hurt A Nurse’s Career?” or “Should I Work the Day Shift or the Night Shift?”.

Nursing School: This section is broken down into vital information for students. For transferring or foreign nurses, there are tips and practice quizzes that are separated into specific categories for taking the NCLEX. For RNs looking into higher education, there are articles of advice and checklists to see if and where you should advance your career (Bachelor’s Degree, Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Educator, etc.). It also contains information on Nursing School Rankings as reported by students, as well as Workplace Rankings as reported by employees.

Health: Great section for current travelers as being on the road can affect your mind and body. Being away from home can affect your eating and workout habits, as well as relationships you may have with family, friends, and significant others. Look up some great tips on how to stay healthy. It’s divided into sections: Wellness & Prevention, Weight Control, Healthy Eating, and Relationships.

Quizzes: Brush up on your nursing by taking quizzes separated into specialty and skills. Also take a quiz to find out Nurse Salaries and find out how much you should be making.

Code Happy App: Download this app on your cell phone using ITunes or Google Play. Build a network of nurses who support each other! Add like-minded nurses or even find a RN at the same facility who is looking to trade shifts (always approve with your Floor and Account Manager first!). Floating bubbles represent a RN who has asked for support in the past 24 hours. Respond by suggestions or send support by using HappyGrams which include Emojis, GIFs, and animated cartoons!

Once you are adjusted to your new environment, I hope that traveling becomes a fun, rewarding and self-fulfilling experience! Remember… you can always look to permanent staff members, current travelers, or your Account Manager for support. Safe and happy travels!

Written by Stephanie Buckley, Aureus Medical Group, Nursing Division