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Tips for healthcare staff to make it through a night shift

One of the hardest parts of having a healthcare career is making it through a night shift. Finding the energy to stay effective and error-free can become increasingly difficult as the hours wear on and morning approaches. Although few people look forward to these all-nighters, they don’t have to be greeted with anxiety if you have a good plan and attitude.

Experienced healthcare professionals have many tips for making it through a night shift. Here are a few of the best.

Get enough sleep going in
Starting your night off without the proper amount of rest is a sure recipe for disaster. Instead, take the necessary steps to ensure that you’ve gotten the proper amount of sleep before you head to the facility.

First and foremost, this means planning ahead. When you know you have a night shift on the horizon, make a sleep schedule for the preceding days. Adjust your calendar so you can get a good night’s – or day’s – sleep before you head in. This might involve taking steps like making your house as dark as possible and turning off your phone so you can reduce the likelihood of a restless sleep session.

Keep your mind occupied
Depending on your area of specialty, night shifts may be much quieter and less eventful than day shifts. Because of this, it is easier to give into fatigue as the night progresses. Stave off this exhaustion by bringing something to keep your brain occupied while your patients sleep. This can be something work-related – like  charts or other paperwork – or something recreational – like a book of crosswords or puzzles.

Make sure you have support
A successful night shift depends on having the proper support system around you. With fewer workers on hand, it is especially important that you have someone reliable helping you out and the right numbers to call in the case of an emergency.

If you have a regularly occurring night shift, you may want to talk to members of management to make sure you have the best system in place to handle problems as they arise. Additionally, if you regularly work with the same colleague during these shifts, it is a good idea to go out of your way to build rapport with him or her, as you will likely have a great deal of time for conversation in the wee hours of the morning.