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One Word for 2018: PERSPECTIVE. Gained Through Birth, Death, and Cancer

As we ring in 2018, I’ve been reflecting back on what this year has taught me. These reflections remind me of the importance of perspective as we walk through life each and every day, as most life events are unplanned and unpredictable. I hope they do the same for you, wherever you may be in your journey.

Aunthood. At the end of 2016, my brother and sister-in-law brought a precious baby boy into this world. This was my first introduction to aunthood and let me tell you, ‘aunt’ might be my favorite title yet. First sounds, foods, teeth, steps, and so much more are incredibly exciting! Not to mention countless games of peek-a boo. Watching my nephew grow and change over the past year has reminded me to always celebrate the little things and don’t ever let go of your imagination.

Death. In March I had to say goodbye to my grandpa. In the hospital at his bedside, we shared stories, Dum Dums, Dr. Pepper, Eileen’s Cookies, and even plans for the future. Yes – the future – because he knew where he was going. To witness that was one of the most inspirational moments I can recall. He told us, “It is well when you’re in God’s hands.” You’re right, grandpa. Have faith in all that you do and it will most definitely be well in the end.

Cancer. November brought a diagnosis to my family that nobody ever wants to receive. My mom, my best friend and my biggest fan, received a breast cancer diagnosis on Friday, November 3rd. Something that seemed so foreign, so unbeatable from the outside looking in, suddenly became real. Challenge accepted. I think of the timeless quote, “Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.” Stay confident, positive, take the bull by the horns and when you do, challenges aren’t so unthinkable to rise to and fight after all.

Money. Anyone who has satellite TV may understand the need for proper signal. Long story short, my husband and I had our house re-shingled and our satellite dish was in need of some realignment. After traveling for work, spending time with my mom after a breast biopsy, watching my nephew on my day off, and still coping with this cancer diagnosis, I was fully prepared to pay the $99 service fee to realign the satellite. Convenience, right? My husband (a finance guy) thought otherwise. After a sizeable argument and a boatload of tears, I realized that I didn’t care about the TV, nor the $99. In light of life’s unforeseen circumstances, remember that a real measure of wealth is how much we’d be worth if we lost all of our money.

PERSPECTIVE. In summary, 2017 has been a whirlwind. Peaks and valleys are sure to keep life interesting and through them all, I’ve learned how important it is to look at the big picture and determine where priorities fall within it. This is something that might be different for everyone, and that’s okay. For me, quality time with those I love and care for takes the top spot. Material possessions get lost, stolen, broken, and outdated. Experiences and memories last a lifetime and may someday be all you have left. So take the trip, celebrate the little things, and cherish every moment spent with those you love.

Cheers to a new year, new experiences, and overcoming those fears and challenges that 2017 brought us! American author, Jon Gordon, encourages his readers to choose one word to be their driving force for the year. One word – that creates clarity, power, passion, and life change. My word for 2018 is perspective, what’s yours?

Joleen Rupe-Hueftle joined Aureus Medical Group in May 2015 as a Recruiter in the Nursing division. She is now a Student Outreach Coordinator for the Rehab Therapy division. In her free time, Joleen enjoys spending time with family, running, cooking, and baking.