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Don’t Be a Victim of Social Media

If you search headlines about social media you are likely to hear about how social media is affecting the workplace both positively and negatively. Companies are using social media to promote open positions, the company itself, and overall what they are doing. This has also become a topic of discussion as social media is being used to research potential candidates for hire as well as their current employees.

Recently a nurse was let go from her position after seven years on the job due to a picture posted on Instagram. The picture was of an ER room after a trauma, and referenced “#Man vs 6 train”. It didn’t violate any policies of the hospital, nor was it a HIPAA violation, but the hospital considered it insensitive and therefore released her from her position at the end of her shift. There is more to this story that you can read via the link below, however, there are several other examples of employees being let go for posts about activities they’ve done at work, or something as simple as complaining about a new dress code.

So whether you are searching for a new position, or currently working, keep in mind social media posts that can be considered negative, inappropriate, or inflammatory can not only keep employers from considering you for your next position, but could also result in termination from your current employment.

Click here to read the full article about the story mentioned above.