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2013 Resolution: Stick With Your Resolution

It’s coming up on a New Year and maybe a new resolution or two. So many of us each year set a resolution and forget about it after one week. Or, if you are good, maybe you forget about it after one month. One of the main reasons why people fail at their resolutions is because they set expectations too vague for themselves. Another reason is because the resolution may mean nothing to them personally because someone else gave them the idea. Or, maybe (like myself) they have little self-control. I know when a leftover Christmas cookie comes my way, I just grab it!

Let’s make this year different! Here are a few ways to make and set resolutions that you can (and will) achieve:

  1.  Make sure it is realistic. If you have a huge sweet tooth, don’t resolve to never eat a candy bar ever again because guess what…you will. Instead, set a realistic goal to only eat a candy bar once a week or once a month.
  2. Get someone involved. If you have a partner that can help you achieve your goals you are more likely to stick to the plan because someone else is watching you.  We do that here at work. We have a weight loss competition where we have a weekly weigh in after the holidays. I know that I watch what I eat because I’m being held accountable to someone.
  3. Talk about your plan. If you tell people what your goals are, they will want to help you. Surround yourself with people that can help you and cheer you on.
  4. Set milestones and reward yourself. For every milestone you hit, give yourself a treat and keep the best reward for the day when you achieve your goals.

Good luck with your resolutions and Happy New Year! May 2013 be your best yet!


Staci Neneman is an Account Manager with the nursing division of Aureus Medical Group.