Why is setting goals important?

Happy New Year! 2017 is going to be an awesome year! At least, that’s what we all hope for ourselves, our families, our friends, and our careers. It’s time to set your goals and make resolutions for the year. Although not everyone agrees that they need to do this nor do they want to take the time to do this, it is very beneficial. Getting in the habit of setting goals, writing them down, and keeping them visible makes it easier. However, statistically 25% of people who set goals stop working towards them within the first week! So why should we bother doing it then?

Here’s why: “People who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions”. This quote from Statistic Brain says it all.

I believe setting goals and making a plan to reach them is so important. Motivate yourself when setting your goals and reward yourself when you get closer to reaching one. Motivation is what will keep you going. That in itself is easier said than done. Finding what motivates you will help you continue to work towards your goal.

Make sure to write them down, keep them in plain sight, and look at them every day. Set both personal and professional goals but don’t go overboard! You’ll get overwhelmed if your list is too long.

Wishing you all much success in 2017!

“The best way to know if a career is right for you is just to go after it. Nothing is irreversible.” – Alice Zhang


Suzanne Trogdon is a Team Lead for the Cardiopulmonary division of Aureus Medical Group.

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