Winterize Your Car

Winterize Your Car to Prevent Breakdowns

The last thing that any driver needs is to break down in the cold, harsh winter weather. It is necessary to have a winter car check to avoid the inconvenience of being stranded out in the cold and with the unexpected expenses of emergency repairs. Below are a few recommendations to help winterize and care for your vehicle:

  • If you are due for maintenance, have it done on time, don’t wait until the last minute. Winter magnifies existing problems such as pins, hard starts, sluggish performance, and rough idling.
  • Have the battery and charging system checked for optimum performance. Cold weather can be hard on batteries.
  • Clean flush and put new antifreeze in the cooling system. As a general rule of thumb, this should be done every two years.
  • Make sure heaters, defrosters, and wipers work properly. Consider winter wiper blades and use cold weather washer fluid. As a general rule, wiper blades should be replaced every six months.
  • Check the tire tread depth and tire pressure. If snow and ice are a problem in your area, consider special tires designed to grip slick roads. During winter, tire pressure should be checked on a regular basis.
  • Have brakes checked.
  • Have exhaust system checked for carbon monoxide leaks, which can be especially dangerous during cold weather driving when windows are closed.
  • Check to see if the exterior and interior lights work and headlights are properly aimed.
  • Be diligent about changing the oil and filter at recommended intervals.

Drivers should check the tire pressure of the spare in the trunk and stock an emergency kit with an ice scraper and snow brush, jumper cables, flashlight, flares, blanket, extra clothes, candles/matches, bottled water, and dry food/snacks.


One comment

  1. Sometime winter runs very expensive for us but don’t mind doing it. It is really very important for every driver to take care of their and make it ready for winter season.

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